
Thursday, May 23, 2013

Nail Art: Spotted

How to get this look:

Base Layer: One or two coats of white polish. I used Snow Me White by Sinful Colors Professional. 

2nd Layer: Pain spots in any color you like. I chose Secret Admirer by Sinful Colors Professional.

To make the large dots, I dipped the handle of a small makeup brush in the polish and placed the dots on my nails. To make the small dots, I simply repeated this process with a toothpick, varying the amount of polish on the toothpick to get the tiny and medium sized dots.

Nail Design: Diagonal Stripe

To get this look: 

Base Layer: Paint whole nail in Secret Admirer  by Sinful Colors Professional. Then cover with a thin layer of  Deja Vu by Pure Ice. The steely grey topped with the thin blue glitter polish gives a beautiful dark blue

2nd Layer: Paint tip of nail in a steep angle in Snow Me White by Sinful Colors Professional.

3rd Layer: Paint tip again, following same angle, with an iridescent purple (This brand is Pure Ice, unsure which color), allowing a thin strip of white to peek through.

Cover with top coat and you're done!